A Legendary Healer Has Left Us
We received news today that Dr. Sebi has passed away. First and foremost, the Ty’s Conscious Kitchen family sends positive vibrations and our deepest condolences to Dr. Sebi’s entire family. This is also extended to his USHA village and CA. office staff.
Dr. Sebi has left a huge and honorable legacy for us all and we will forever pay homage and respect for what he’s done for our family and many others that have been healed by his life saving and live changing therapies.
There are many reports surrounding his death, however we will wait until more information is made available. We encourage you to connect with his Facebook page “Dr. Sebi’s Cell Food” and his website: drsebiscellfood.com for developing updates from the source.
Ironically, our activities today were directly related to sharing Dr. Sebi’s information, as it has been over the last ten months. He has definitely had a huge impact on our family. As hard as it is at this moment, we understand that it is just as important now more than ever to continue to do the work and spread his healing knowledge of food as your medicine, through our available mediums.
We will continue to post and share Alkaline Electric Recipes here on Ty’s Conscious Kitchen to encourage everyone to eat better to live through any disease. Please share what you know about him with others and help to keep his legacy alive.
Rest In Power Dr. Sebi