Since we began adapting Dr. Sebi’s recommendations into our family’s lifestyle, a frequent question we get asked is, “What do you all eat?” Well today, we’re going to share that with you below, but first, here’s some background on our journey.
Our Struggle Created Our Journey
As a family we pretty much ate at restaurants several times a week and relied heavily on take-out to keep up with life. We knew first hand what food addictions felt like and also knew we needed to make changes due to the effects of the foods we were eating.
When we first learned of Dr. Sebi, we were excited about the information we found relating to health through alkaline, electrical, non-hybrid foods and herbs. We weren’t, however, too excited over the nutritional list of foods. We thought, what are we supposed to do with this? LOL! Really, we just weren’t used to being limited like that and didn’t know where to start.
Dr. Sebi had figured out a proven way to bring much needed healing to our community yet our only hurdle was finding recipes to help us transition into this lifestyle, in a way we could identify with.
We knew we weren’t alone and that struggle helped us to create Ty’s Conscious Kitchen so that we could ALL enjoy tasty Alkaline Electric Recipes all while becoming healthier!
You can check out our journey story & Q&A here!

So What Exactly Do We Eat In A Day?
Below you’ll see exactly “What We Eat In A Day” as a family, all with meals created from Dr. Sebi’s Nutritional Guide. This lifestyle has helped us to take back our power over our health, nutrition, energy and more. We got everyone together so you can see how we get down in the kitchen!
*Spoiler Alert!: All of the recipes shown in this video are available right here on this website: “Ty’s Conscious Kitchen“ and are linked down below. Also, you can now get over 230 Alkaline Electric recipes right at your fingertips in Ty’s 5 cookbooks: “Alkaline Electric Recipes From Ty’s Conscious Kitchen: The Sebian Way Vols. 1 – 5″.
Don’t know how to prepare it? Ty shows you how in his recipe tutorial videos on YouTube… So we’ve got you covered!
Thanks so much for hanging out with our family, we hope you enjoy it and share!
Alkaline Electric Food We Love To Eat ~ In A Day!
Find The Recipes Made In The Video Here!
Here are the Alkaline Electric Recipes for all of the meals we prepared in this video! Just click the link for the free recipe on this site.